Special Education

Mission and Vision the Special Education Department’s primary mission is to create producing the universal nature of  knowledge, researching, participatory, collaborative and contemporary learning culture for special  needs education and their participation to social life, and to train teachers who are professional  efficacy and those who are respect to social and professional values.

The mission of the Special Education Department is to train modern, creative, interrogator, explorer, highly-motivated teachers who possess international values and ethical concepts and who can give differentiated and individualized education to special need students as class teachers and to mentally disabled students at the level of pre-school and elementary education; to enable the teachers to gain the skills of research and practice in special education field; to provide them with opportunities for graduate programmes and to make research and publish research results related to children in need for special education and to teachers’ education. Since there are not enough teaching members in our department, we provide support to other departments in courses related to our department.

The vision of the Special Education Department is to become a respected and preferred department which trains teachers with efficient skills in special education field, comes up with new information for the national and global welfare and happiness of humanity through scientific research and practices and to lead other universities in terms of special education programmes.

There are no undergraduate students in our department.

Last Update Date: 02 August 2018, Thursday